biSoftMES Smart: gbo datacomp supports SMEs during generational change in terms of digitization


The Excel generation is being replaced — companies are showing signs of digitization with modern production-related tools. MES expert gbo datacomp has been feeling this trend more and more in recent months. Augsburg, 26.04.2023 “Out of the box — digitization” is more popular than ever. A compact production-related solution that focuses on the needs of SMEs and replaces the standard Excel planning tool is at the top of the agenda when it comes to new software tools. Digitalization seems to have reached the minds of companies. “We are receiving more and more inquiries from companies who want to replace the existing planning tool — in 99% of cases this is Excel —” explains Michael Möller, managing director of gbo datacomp. “This is where we offer our easy-to-implement and cost-effective solution BiSoftMes Smart ” explains Möller. SMEs are facing major challenges, in addition to disrupted supply chains and a shortage of skilled workers, there is a generational change in many companies. This leads to tensions and also to major changes. Especially among SMEs, this is based on an increased demand for modern planning and manufacturing solutions that take digitization in companies to a new level. The goal is continuous communication between the various tools without the need for intervention. Transparency, tracking and real-time responses become a must. This is exactly what SMEs have achieved and also applies to planning. Excel doesn't make that possible. Compact entry-level solutions such as BiSoftMes Smart. Customers receive a modern scalable solution that is tailored to their respective requirements. biSoftMES Smart is pre-assembled and can be implemented quickly, guarantees transparency in production, and Excel can be easily replaced. The resources required in the company are also manageable. “For most customers who are completing the generational change, it is particularly important that interfaces and various features are available,” explains Möller, “This is the only way to actually speak of plug and play.” Excel analyses can still be created with the data collected in this way afterwards. Excel is then no longer used by the current controls. Another advantage of the BiSoftMES solution is that everyone in the company works with the same database — interpretations of the basic data are omitted. biSoftMES collects operating and machine data, offers predictive planning, quality management, traceability and personnel time recording in one solution. The networking of production and planning data optimizes key performance indicators (KPIs). At the push of a button, the relevant data can be evaluated and reports presented in a compact and easy-to-understand manner.Caption: biSoftMES Smart - gbo datacomp replaces Excel