10-step plan to digitize manufacturing

10-step plan to digitize manufacturing

Michael Möller
Michael Möller
6 mins
April 2, 2024
April 2, 2024

Discover the effective 10-step plan for digitization in manufacturing for a modern, efficient production environment.

Did you know that efficient digitization of manufacturing offers major benefits for companies? According to a study, companies that successfully digitize their manufacturing processes can increase their production capacities by up to 30% and increase their profits by more than 50%. The digitization of production enables a more modern and efficient work environment that meets the requirements of Industry 4.0.

Key findings:

  • Digitalization of manufacturing offers companies major benefits.
  • Efficient digitization can increase production capacities by up to 30%.
  • Profits can be increased by more than 50% through successful digitization.
  • Digitalization enables a more modern and efficient working environment.
  • Digitalizing manufacturing is an important step towards meeting the requirements of Industry 4.0.

1. Analysis of the current situation

In this step, it is important to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the current situation in manufacturing. The detailed examination of existing manufacturing processes makes it possible to identify weak points and optimization potential.

Analysis of existing manufacturing processes

Analyzing existing manufacturing processes is a crucial step towards gaining a comprehensive understanding of manufacturing processes. It is important to take a close look at all processes and identify any weak points. Questions can be asked such as:

  • Where are there bottlenecks or delays?
  • Which steps can be optimized or automated?
  • Where do errors or loss of quality occur?
  • How efficient are the current work processes?

Through a thorough analysis of existing manufacturing processes, targeted measures can be taken to optimize processes.

Identify areas that benefit from digitization

When analyzing the current situation, the areas that can benefit most from digitization should also be identified. These can be, for example, processes that are manual and time-consuming or that frequently result in errors. By digitizing these areas, efficiency gains and cost reductions can be achieved.

It is important to identify digitization potential and to develop suitable measures to optimize processes and increase efficiency.

2. Defining the objectives

In this step, it is important to set clear goals for improving manufacturing processes. By defining clear goals, a clear direction is set for digitization and makes it possible to monitor progress. It is important that these goals are concrete and measurable in order to serve as guidelines for implementing digital solutions.

Success criteria and metrics should also be set to measure progress and productivity gains. These metrics serve as a guide to verify whether goals are being achieved and enable continuous improvement of manufacturing processes.

By defining clear goals, companies can set their goals for digitization and develop their guidelines for implementation. This creates a structured approach that makes it possible to work efficiently and purposefully towards increasing productivity.

3. Training and awareness raising

This step is about training employees to digitize. It is important that employees are informed about the topic and develop the necessary digital skills. In addition, awareness of the need for digitization should be created to ensure support and acceptance by employees.

Employee training for digitization

Training measures should be carried out in order to optimally prepare employees for digitization. These trainings can include various formats, such as workshops, seminars or e-learning. Through targeted training, employees can acquire digital skills and learn to use digital tools and technologies in their work processes.

  • Fostering digital literacy
  • Share expertise on digital tools and technologies
  • Optimize work processes with digital solutions
  • Learn efficient data management and analysis

The training measures should be tailored to the individual needs of employees and repeated at regular intervals to ensure that digital literacy is continuously expanded.

Create awareness of digitization

In addition to training, it is just as important to create awareness of the need for digitization. This can be achieved through internal communication measures and information events. Managers should act as role models and show employees the benefits of digitization.

Employee integration and change management play a decisive role in this context. Through open and transparent communication, possible fears and concerns of employees regarding digitization can be addressed.

4. Selecting a suitable MES solution

This step is about selecting a suitable MES solution (Manufacturing Execution System) for digitizing manufacturing. It is important to compare different solutions and find the best option for the company's specific needs.

BiSoftMES from GBO is a proven MES solution. It is a comprehensive digitization software that was developed specifically for manufacturing management. With BiSoftMES, manufacturing processes can be made more efficient, data collected and analyzed in real time, and productivity can be increased.

Selecting a suitable MES solution is an important step in digitizing manufacturing. It is recommended to analyse the company's needs in detail and find out in detail about the various available solutions in order to make the best decision.

5. Carry out a pilot project

In this step, a pilot project is carried out to test the selected MES solution in practice. It is important to implement the system and get feedback from employees and affected departments. Based on feedback, adjustments can be made to ensure that the system is working optimally.

Implement MES solutions

To fully utilize the benefits of an MES system, it is necessary to implement the system in the production environment. This step includes installing and configuring the software, integrating with other systems, and setting up the required interfaces. The implementation should be carefully planned and carried out by experienced professionals to ensure a smooth process.

Gather feedback

During the pilot project, it is crucial to obtain continuous feedback from employees and affected departments. This can take the form of interviews, surveys, or regular meetings. The feedback provides valuable information about the usability, effectiveness and potential weak points of the MES system. It is important to carefully analyze this feedback and use it as a basis for potential adjustments and improvements.



Phase 1

Implementierung der MES Lösung in einer ausgewählten Produktionslinie

Phase 2

Durchführung von Tests und Sammeln von Feedback

Phase 3

Analyse des Feedbacks und Durchführung von Anpassungen

Phase 4

Weiterführung des Pilotprojekts und kontinuierliche Verbesserung

6. Integration with existing systems

In manufacturing, the integration of the MES solution with existing systems is a decisive step on the path to digitization. Thanks to seamless system integration, data communication and data exchange can take place smoothly. This enables a successful flow of information and makes a significant contribution to the digitization success of the company.

During integration, various interfaces must be created to ensure efficient data transmission. It is important to carefully analyze the existing systems and plan the integration accordingly. Through well-thought-out system integration, synergies can be created and processes optimized, which leads to a significant increase in efficiency.

Close cooperation between the various specialist departments is required to ensure that integration is successful. Technical experts and system integrators must work closely with responsible personnel to connect existing systems.

Integrate MES solution

The integration of the MES solution into the existing system landscape is of central importance for the effective digitization of manufacturing. The Manufacturing Execution System (MES) makes it possible to control, monitor and optimize manufacturing processes. Thanks to seamless integration, MES can retrieve relevant data in real time and transfer it to the appropriate systems.

By integrating the MES solution, information about production status, material flow and other relevant key figures can be collected and analyzed in real time. This enables better control of manufacturing processes and more efficient production planning.

Data sharing as a success in digitization

The successful exchange of data between the various manufacturing systems is another important aspect of digitization. Smooth data communication ensures that information can be exchanged reliably and promptly.

Effective data exchange enables comprehensive data analysis and evaluation, which provides valuable insights into manufacturing processes. By analyzing this data, bottlenecks can be identified, production processes optimized and decisions can be made based on data.

Successful data exchange thus promotes digitization success and leads to a significant increase in efficiency in manufacturing.

Steps to integrate with existing systems

1. Analysis of the existing system landscape and identification of interfaces

2. Planning and implementation of system integration in close cooperation with specialist departments

3. Test and validate the integration to ensure that data communication and data exchange run smoothly

4. Optimize integration to ensure an efficient flow of information

7. Scale deployment

This step is about scaling the implementation of digital solutions across the company on a broad basis. To enable successful scaling, the following plans should be created:

  1. Extension of digitization projects to all relevant areas of manufacturing
  2. Development of a rollout plan to make implementation efficient
  3. Integration of digital solutions into existing corporate structures and processes

Scaling implementation is a company-wide endeavor that requires careful planning and organization. It is important to ensure that digitization takes place on a broad basis in order to take full advantage of digital solutions and increase the efficiency of manufacturing processes.

8. Continuous training and support

In a digital work environment, it is crucial to offer ongoing training measures to help employees continuously improve their digital skills. Regular training and training programs are essential to ensure that employees have the necessary knowledge and skills to work successfully in a digitized manufacturing environment.

The training measures should cover various aspects, from using specific software and digital tools to understanding data analysis and process optimization. Individual training plans can be created to address the specific needs and requirements of employees.

In addition to training measures, it is important to set up a support system and integrate it into daily processes. Employees should be able to call on support when questions or problems arise. A dedicated support team or point of contact can help employees complete their tasks efficiently and help them solve technical challenges.

Regular training for your employees

Regular training is an effective way to continuously expand employees' digital skills. These trainings can be offered in the form of workshops, seminars, or online courses. It is important that the training courses are hands-on and provide employees with the knowledge and skills they need to successfully implement digital manufacturing.

The training should be tailored to the needs and knowledge of employees. An individual training plan can be created to ensure that every employee receives the training that is relevant to him or her. Regular training enables employees to effectively use digital tools and technologies and to optimize their work processes.

Build & integrate a support system

An effective support system is crucial to help employees with any questions or problems that arise. This can take the form of a help desk, an internal knowledge database, or a direct contact person. The support team should be well-trained and able to diagnose technical issues and offer solutions.

The support system should be seamlessly integrated into daily processes. Employees should have easy access to support and get help quickly when they need it. A well-functioning support system ensures that employees can continuously benefit from the benefits of digitization and can quickly overcome technical obstacles.

Benefits of continuous training and support

- Better mastery of digital tools and technologies

- Increasing employee competence and efficiency

- Motivation and employee satisfaction

- optimization of work processes

- Reduce errors and downtime

9. Data analysis and optimization

In this step, the focus is on data analysis and optimization of manufacturing processes. By using real-time data and visualizing processes, optimization potential can be identified and continuous improvements can be made. Data analysis plays a decisive role in increasing efficiency and further digitizing manufacturing.

10. Feedback and adjustment

In this step, the feedback received and the implementation of adjustments play an important role in successful digitization in manufacturing. Feedback from employees, customers, and stakeholders should be thoroughly analyzed to gain valuable insights and identify suggestions for improvement. Continuous feedback and the implementation of adjustments are crucial to continuously improve and further develop the digital transformation process.

The feedback analysis makes it possible to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the implemented digital solutions and to identify potential for improvement. By evaluating customer feedback, customer satisfaction can be increased by responding to their needs and requirements.

Suggestions for improvement from feedback should be taken seriously and evaluated in order to make appropriate adjustments. It is important to consider the requirements of employees, customers and stakeholders and to respond to their needs.

Continuous improvement is an important aspect of digitization in manufacturing. With every feedback and adjustment, the digitization process can be optimized to create an even more efficient and powerful production environment.

Analyse des Feedbacks

Anpassungen vornehmen


Gründliche Auswertung des erhaltenen Feedbacks

Umsetzung von Verbesserungsvorschlägen

Optimierung der Fertigungsprozesse

Identifikation von Schwachstellen und Herausforderungen

Anpassungen an den digitalen Lösungen vornehmen

Effizienzsteigerung und Qualitätsverbesserung

Einhaltung von Kundenanforderungen und -erwartungen

Integration neuer Funktionen und Technologien

Steigerung der Kundenzufriedenheit


After implementing the 10-step plan for digitization in manufacturing, important findings and benefits of digitization can be summarized. The digitization of manufacturing offers companies the opportunity to create a modern and efficient production environment that meets the requirements of Industry 4.0. By implementing the plan, manufacturing processes can be optimized, productivity increased and better data analysis achieved.

A comprehensive analysis of existing manufacturing processes makes it possible to identify weak points and identify areas that benefit most from digitization. The clear definition of goals with measurable success criteria serves as a guideline for improving manufacturing processes through digitalization.

Through training measures and raising employee awareness of digitization, digital competence is developed and successful change management is supported. The selection of a suitable MES solution, such as BiSoftMES from GBO, enables the implementation and execution of a pilot project to test the system. Integration with existing systems and comprehensive scaling of implementation help to implement digitization on a broad basis across the company.

In addition, continuous training and support measures are required in order to be able to train employees and assist them with questions or problems. Data analysis and optimization of processes through the use of real-time data and data visualization enables continuous improvement of manufacturing processes. Finally, it is important to analyze the feedback received and make adjustments to further improve the success of digitization in manufacturing.


What is the 10-step plan for digitization in manufacturing?

The 10-step plan is a guide that helps companies digitize their manufacturing processes and meet the requirements of Industry 4.0.

How can I analyze existing manufacturing processes?

A comprehensive examination of existing manufacturing processes makes it possible to identify weak points and optimization potential.

Which areas benefit the most from digitization?

The analysis can be used to identify areas that benefit the most from digitization and offer great added value.

How can I set clear goals for improving manufacturing processes?

Clear and measurable goals should be set to improve manufacturing processes to serve as guidelines and monitor progress.

How can I train employees to digitize?

Employees should be informed about the topic and develop the necessary digital skills. It is also important to create awareness of the need for digitization.

How do I find a suitable MES solution?

Different MES solutions should be compared to find the best option for the company's specific needs. One example of such a solution is BiSoftMES from GBO.

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